Designing and measuring the quality of teaching

The School for Continuing Education is pleased to offer you didactic and conceptual support in developing and improving your continuing education courses and programmes. Here we orient ourselves to your needs: our help ranges from small tweaks to a course unit (if, for example, your instructors wish to try out something once in their teaching) to the re-design of an entire programme.

A few examples of typical questions:

  • How do I define competence outcomes and learning objectives and verify academic achievement, and how are these three elements aligned with one another?
  • How do I design performance assessments and final papers for continuing education programmes which not only correspond to the academic requirements of ETH Zurich, but are also – as far as possible – practice-oriented?
  • What learning forms can I deploy to make knowledge transfer more interactive?
  • How do I measure learning progress? What do I need to look for in using formative learning checks?
  • Our lecturers want independent, non-binding feedback on their teaching. What possibilities can I offer them?

Internal Educational Developers provide specialist support for continuing education courses and programmes at ETH Zurich. Stefan Küenzi is the Educational Developer at SCE. He is happy to answer your questions and discuss any matters of interest.

The design of teaching is also closely linked with the measurement of teaching quality and teaching effectiveness. Such measurement facilitates the ongoing improvement of continuing education. SCE offers standardised, anonymous course participant surveys – either for a single course unit or for entire courses/programmes (course/CAS/DAS/MAS). These surveys are typically conducted shortly after completion of the course or programme. We also make available proven measurement instruments which investigate transfer effects in practice.

The entire service is voluntary and free of charge. We are happy to offer you a consultation at any time. Please contact us at .

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